Saturday, April 5, 2008

Its always been easy to be negative!!!!

We all are selfish and everything that we do in life has selfish motives. Every situation has a positive or a negative outlook.....we could either think positive or negative. Then why is it that most of us choose to be negative about things...even after having been told by our anceastors that if you think positive, good will happen. Being negative is a defense mechanism we adopt to prevent ourselves from being hurt. Its a defense strategy which we think will help us to face the situation if bad happens. Its probably hurts less when the negative happens when ur prepared for it. Its easier to think negative and tell yourself you expected that to happen than be positive about something and feel disappointed if it doesnt. Its always been easy to be negative. We prepare ourselves, we protect and shield ourselves from being hurt by being negative. But then dont they the book "The Secret" you get what attract what you think????

Its finally a personal choice, but we have to decide whether we want to be postive and live each moment as it comes without shielding ourselves or live like a coward shielding ourselves from being hurt.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Count your blessings......

The day was really aweful, i got into the rick tellin myself.....reach home, have dinner and rush to bed before i get another reason to sulk about for the day. I was bugged with everything and everyone around i mean just about everything. The rick suddenly stopped at a signal and i looked out. What i saw next just left my mind blank for 2 sec. At the corner of the road, was water followin on to the road from a seavege pipe and there i saw these 10-12 year old slum kids drinking water which had accumulated on the road with their palms. That split of a second made me realise.....i was alteast lucky to have family, work or friends for that matter to crib care be cared by......what did i not compared to these kids, who didnt even have food to eat or live and were tryin to satisfy their hunger drinkin that water. We so easily complain about things without realising that, we are lucky to even get to complain about certain things in life. Its so rightly said, count your blessings when your low, I am so confident you would for sure have a longer list of blessings than your list of complains.....Its easy to cry on what we dont have, and greed is our friend.
"Dont count what you lost; cherish what you have; Plan what to gain; Cos Past never returns but future may return the lost".

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Wish for it with all your heart!!!

They say when you want something really desperately, you get it. And its true. Thats why they say when you pray really hard you get it. The logic.... we have a lot of energies present around us. The way we think attracts or diverts these energies. When we want something really bad - irrespective of the fact its good or bad, we get it....but jus tht we got to be confident tht we will...cos when we do tht we attract the energies to achieve it. The universe is full of these energies, its to us what we attract through our thoughts and actions. As long as we think positive and be confident that something that we want will happen, we pull forces that we will make it happen towards us!! Similarly when we think negative, we pull the negative vibes, which dispels positive energy and things go wrong. So next time you despearately want something to happen, be positive with all your mind and soul that it will happen...... and believe me it will!!! All The Best!!!!

Friday, November 2, 2007

....And we always ignore them!!

I read this wonderful saying in one of the forwards "We make them cry who care for us, We cry for those who never care for us, and We care for those who will never cry for us". So true!! We all in our lives run behind things which seem to be difficult to get or do. But do we realise that the human mind thinks the tougher it is to get something the more valuable that it is!! Funny but thats how it is! A lot of times we judge things by their form of accessibility. We care for people who dont value us and we cry for those who dont deserve us!! But I think thats insecurity what each one of us has within us. When we realise that someone doesnt care for us, we discredit ourselves to believe that we lack something... and then the more we run behind someone, lesser the person values us.... why..... cos we are easily there for them! Our insecurities in life come from what people think about us and not what we shuld think about ourselves and we try to do things rather care about things or those who dont value us!!! Like its said "Never explain yourself to anyone, because the person who likes you doesnt need it and the one who dislikes you wont believe it". We are conditioned to think that anything that we have isnt worth it and we run behind things we dont hav... no doubt we are never satisfied in life. We dont value people who are there always by our side always, we take them for granted. I did that till i realised that the centre of my world resided on a different planet. We want people who dont care for us cos our insecurities make us doubt ourselves and we dont care for people who are with us cos we assume its they who need us and not we who need them.The irony of our life is that while running behind things or people we dont have, we disregard all those little gestures by those who make that difference in our lives.
Like its known "Dont let someone be a priority in your life, when your just an option in theirs".

Monday, October 1, 2007

Cos change is inevitable

A lot of times in life we are not ready to accept goes on and on till one jerk and everything seems to be shattered, which is then that we sit up and take notice. We are so lost in routine that we never take notice of things that we to need change. We need a tight slap on our face maybe to realise or remind us that everything in life doesnt go as planned. I, too till a month ago had everything so well set in my family, my career, my future, everything...we like that secure feeling of everything planned and decided and then we go on with the hope of someday we will achieve all of it and live in bliss. Till one day, fate decides to show its strenght and slaps us hard. After one very unpleasant, yet maybe an overdue incident, changed my life, and forced me to start thinking afresh. Yeah literally forced me. It shattered all my illusions, all my plans, everything that I had planned and decided and convinced myself of what my life would be. We are all in a state of inertia and unless acted upon we neither accept nor act upon the change. Unless life doesnt give us a jolt we dont put in efforts to sit back and think what we are and what we want. We are so lost in our illusions and dreams that we never think of contingencies and then the unexpected happens and makes us ponder. I, while trying to get out of all this in the last one month have taken to a lot of new hobbies. I started writing, learning tarot...all the things which otherwise I would not have even thought of doing. But this change in life, has made me change...has forced me to build new dreams, new aspirations, plan everything right from the scratch and start afresh. I dont know how sucessful I would be or happy for that matter, but like a saying which was sent to me at absolutely the right time which said "SMOOTH ROADS NEVER MAKE GOOD DRIVERS, PROBLEM FREE LIFE NEVER MAKES STRONG PERSONS, SO NEVER IN LIFE THINK "WHY ME" INSTEAD CHALLENGE IT AND SAY "TRY ME". And thats what I am gonna do cos I cant stop trusting myself!!!! Its like a house built with so much of efforts which collapses suddenly and there you have to build it again with the same amount of passion and zest...Thats create, destroy and again create....and it all goes in cycles. It will hit you hard...drop you low...what really matters is how well you come back with the new hope, new desire and a new passion to live on. So next time life decides to slap you hard with totally unexpected change...slap it back harder with even more amount of enthusiasm to build back everything that you've lost.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Here I am finally writing...the reason for delay i actually wanted to start my blog with something i really felt like writing about. So I waited and waited and waited and here finally saw one name in my recent visitors list which i had been dying to see since ages. Life's a little tough right now and I have been just trying to think what's the whole thing about loving and being there really something called unconditional love? We grow up seeing our parents love us, take care of us, give us all that we ask and so is the bond formed. Would we still feel the same had they not done all this for us? Our parents love us because they see themselves in some or the other way. No I am not at all doubting what our parents feel, its absolutely selfless and maybe unconditional too but thats cos its a natural instinct to love your kids cos you see them grow, feel attached, take pride in the fact that u've given them birth....He is MY son, she is MY daughter...they arent selfish but again isnt it "MY", a feeling of belongingness that is conveyed. We all love and feel attached to people more so ever not for what we feel about them but for WHAT THEY FEEL ABOUT US. We all want to be loved, cared for, adored, feel wanted....and then if we reciprocate this feeling then is it called being unconditional? How many people do we know in our lives who love people unconditionally without expecting anything at all in return...well less enough to count on ur fingers. If LOVE IS SUPPOSE TO BE UNCONDITIONAL WHY DO THEY SAY THEY SHOULD BE AN EQUAL GIVE AND TAKE IN EVERY in where does "give and take" arise then? Isnt unconditional about not expecting anything? We all are selfish and we all do things cos somewhere unconsciencly we expect it back...the only unconditional love is from a mother who even after the kicks for 9 months ready to do anything for the next 90 years for the same child. Hats off to every mother on this earth!! Just think of the things she puts up with!!